It's Hard to Restart!

Just know that, as you are reading this, that EVERYONE goes through this.

Longevity Lifestyle Club | Newsletter

I know it’s so hard to restart.  

You may even be mildly depressed that you even quit.

It’s so difficult to create another Day 1.

Build new routines.

Follow the new best workouts and meal plans.

Just know that, as you are reading this, that EVERYONE goes through this.

Everyone falls off, gets out of line and messes up.

It’s not just you.

Here’s what I can tell you in confidence: by Day 2, 7, 14 or even 21, you are going to feel so much better that you recommitted your life.

Not just physically, but mentally too.

Your business will thrive as well.

Once you get back into the fold and into the groove, you were like, “What the hell was I thinking when I got out of it?”

I’m telling you this because I went through it personally.

Over the last 60 days, I’ve asked myself this exact question so many times.

Now because this is my job and my goals change from time to time, I can’t deny the fact that what I’m doing right now is much more positive and effective. 

I’ve seen the fruits of it personally and with my clients. 

Don’t overthink the process of starting Day 1. 

Everyone has to go through it, and you have to start at some point.  

Commit and let’s go.

I’m here to help you.

Be Epic,


PS: Spaces are limited to 25 in Q1, 2024, and this exclusive offer expires on January 1, 2024—don't miss out on the chance to transform your life!

PPS: Ready to take control of your health? Get your 12 months membership here.