I Own Half A Cow.

Why I Drink Raw Milk

Longevity|OS Newsletter

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I Own Half A Cow

I know what you’re thinking now… He moves from a capital (Berlin) to the countryside (Boulder) and becomes full on organic German village style.

Let me tell you, that this is not the case.

So why do I own half a cow for the month of May?

It’s spring season, and maybe like you, I got hit with allergies.

This year, my allergies are strong, because I’m living in a new country and my body is not used to the pollen here.

So I did my research and tried to find a solution to soften my symptoms without taking medication.

Tweaking my nutrition seems obvious.

I’m practicing some form of intermittent fasting daily, which potentially helps with binding histamines.

Listening to other experts in the field, I realized that strengthening your gut microbiome might be helpful if you’re dealing with allergies.

This is when the raw milk comes into place.

Per law, you cannot purchase raw (unpasteurized) milk in supermarkets in Colorado, so people found a way around it.

Some farms let you buy a membership or allow you to co-own a cow and based on that you receive a share of raw milk.

Pasteurized milk has been heated to kill beneficial enzymes and microbes.

However, raw milk contains unique proteins, friendly microbes, fatty acids, and lactase-producing bacteria.

Lactase is the enzyme that helps break down lactose. People who have difficulties digesting milk can typically drink raw milk without any problems. Meaning, your supermarket milk is the problem.

Raw milk gives you a better absorption of calcium and fat-soluble vitamins.

It also has proteins that can help support your immune system.

Other benefits of raw milk include potentially helping with conditions such as:

• Ulcers

• GI problems

• Gout

• Gum disease

• Allergies

• Asthma

Health is all about taking the science and testing if it works for you.

That is what I’m doing, and then sharing my experience with you, so you can learn from it.

Take what sounds best for you and test it.

Well, that’s all for today and I hope it helps you.

See you next week.

Have an epic Saturday,

- Sven

P.S. Whenever you’re ready! Here is one way I can help you.

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