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  • You don't have to workout 1 hour a day to see results.

You don't have to workout 1 hour a day to see results.

If your gas tank was empty, and you only had enough money to fill up a quarter tank, you wouldn't keep it empty just because you couldn't fill it up fully.

Longevity Lifestyle Club | Newsletter

This is true now more than ever, my friends.

If your gas tank was empty, and you only had enough money to fill up a quarter tank, you wouldn't keep it empty just because you couldn't fill it up fully.

Same goes for working out.

Can't do an hour?


Do 15-minutes.

Something is always better than nothing.


I don’t care if it’s a 5-minute stretch, 50 pushups, or a quickie naked partner hip thrust. (yes, I wrote that)

Something is better than nothing.


And more often than not, doing one small thing is enough to keep your motivation going so you exercise again tomorrow rather than falling off track.

Don’t give yourself an excuse to quit.


It’s not worth it, and you’ll never look back and be happy you wasted your time binging Netflix.

You will, however, look back and always be glad you held yourself to your own highest standard and did something rather than nothing.

I hope this was helpful.
